Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Equipment Solutions
EPEC supplies wastewater treatment process equipment, systems, and services for a variety of facilities and applications, industrial and municipal. We serve the entire state of Kansas as well as Western Missouri.
Aeration | Biogas | Biological Treatment | Chemical Feed & Storage | Clarification | Digestion | Disinfection | Filtration (Tertiary) | Headworks / Primary Treatment | Mixing | Nutrient Recovery | Odor & Corrosion Control | Sludge / Solids Handling | Slurry Pumping | Storage | Toxic / Gas Scrubbers
Biological Treatment
- Activated Sludge
- IFAS (Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge)
- MBBR (Moving Bed Biological Reactor)
- MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor)
- MSABP™ (Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process- Fixed Biofilm System)
- Oxidation Ditch
- Package Plants
- Aeration/Blowers
- Aerators / Mixers
- Blowers
- Diffused Aeration
- On-Site Oxygen Generation
- Lagoons
- Baffle Curtains
- Modular Covers
- Nitrification & Phos Removal