Companies Represented by EPEC
Since 2005, EPEC has been working with leading manufacturers in the water and wastewater treatment industry, building strong, long-term relationships.
Dry chemical feeders, bulk dry chemical storage silos, bulk bag unloading, and polymer preparation systems
Ecojet, SCM Technologie, Blue Frog, Aspiro, and Aspiro Plus aeration and mixing technologies
SEQUOX BNR Activated Sludge System, ClarAto™ Clarifier Technology, and TITRAN™ Solids Dewatering
Diffused aeration systems, fixed biofilm systems, and advanced biological treatment systems
Biofilter and biotrickling filters for Odor, H2S, VOCs, and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) removal
Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery (ABNR™) system utilizing algae and other biological organisms to recover excess phosphorus, nitrogen, and other high-profile contaminants in wastewater
Manufacturer of fiberglass tank covers, launder/wier covers, baffle walls, trough/launders, weirs & baffles, density current baffles, slide gates, and custom fabrication
Revolving algal biofilm system (RAB) to cost-effectively recover nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater.
Drinking water organic removal (MIEX® Magnetic Ion Exchange Systems) and lake and reservoir preferred water selection (water selector)
Clarifiers, SCUs, activated sludge and fixed film systems, aerobic digestion systems, anaerobic digester steel & membrane covers/gas holders, draft tube & LM-linear motion mixers, course and fine screens, grit removal & handling, DAFss, fabric media FBBR, and IFAS systems, MBR, filtration
Manufacturer of epoxy coated carbon steel, stainless, and glass fused to steel bolted tanks
ThermAer™ autothermal thermophylic aerobic digestion (ATAD) process; high solids aerobic digester mixing systems; BiofiltAer biofiltration odor control
Municipal and industrial wastewater lagoon solutions including lagoon aeration, enhanced BOD removal, and lagoon ammonia removal
Immersed and pressurized membrane technologies – micro, ultra, nano & RO; electrodialysis reversal (EDR); zero liquid discharge (ZLD) and advanced biological metals removal (ABMet); Monsal anaerobic digester systems; Methanis biogas cleaning; headworks screening, ozone systems; open channel UV disinfection